
Growing up, I was given a great example of what love is from my parents. They made me realize what I want in a relationship, what is healthy and what is not healthy relationship wise. They set my standards high, and told me never to settle when finding a partner. They constantly made sure the other one was happy and if they weren’t, they figured out how to make things better. Whenever they were struggling financially or any other way, they always found a way to make things work. One thing I remember about them is that they were always supportive of each other’s decisions. If I would ask my mom a question and the answer was no, then the answer would be no for my dad, too. This just showed me that they backed each other and supported the others decision. They showed me how to love through struggle and heartache, and for that I will be forever grateful.

In the book, there are four different types of love that were described. Storge, philia, eros, and agape. They are all ancient Greek words that describe love. Storge is the kind of love that is between parent and child. It is the least discriminating kind of love because it reaches everyone, no matter age, race or anything. Philia is the kind of love that is between friends. This is a love that is a certain type of affection then one between lovers. Eros is the third one, and it is love between a man and a woman. This is sexual love. Aristotle said that eros is when people long to be in each other’s presence. It is more than lust, and it is more than just sex. It is described to want to be personal with a particular person, not just anyone. Agape is the last one, and it is a love that is independent for one’s feelings for another. It is acting on behalf of the well-being of someone else, whether you are attracted to them or not. All of these loves are crucial to experience. When I have kids someday, I will be able to experience storge. With my friends, I can experience philia. In my relationship, I think that eros, philia, and agape are all important in experiencing. Of course, you are going to be attracted to your significant other, but there are more important things in a relationship other than physical attractiveness. Eros is important in a relationship because being sexual with someone builds a bond between two people that you don’t have with anyone else. To be someone’s partner, you must put up with some things and it is important to love them through that, and I think that is where agape comes into the relationship. Sometimes, you are going to have to do things that you don’t want to, but you do them anyway because you love them. All of these loves are crucial to experience in this life.

Currently, I am in love with the person I wish to marry one day. I believe there is such a thing as soul mates. Some people don’t believe in them, but I do. I believe that I have found my soul mate. We have gone through many things in our relationship so far. There have been struggles and trials, but we get over them. I think that is a testament of our love. He is the man that I dreamt about as a child, and I feel so lucky to have found him. Love is a wonderful thing, and we are so blessed to have it here on Earth. Our Heavenly Father wanted us to experience it and how great it is. It is what keeps all of us going. I am grateful for the experiences of love I have had in my life, and I look forward to many more.  


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