
Showing posts from September, 2017
This week was the second week of school. Classes are in full swing and things are crazy! In my Family Relations class, we discussed many things. Something that stood out to me was the decline in children people are having. Now days, people would rather focus on their education and get a good steady job before starting a family, or even having a family at all. To me, it is your own decision and personal preference you want. But, the Lord commanded us to replenish the Earth and the way to do that is through having kids and raising them. People are only wanting one or two kids in today's society, and that is not even close to the amount of kids needed to fill in the gaps that will be when the baby boomer generation retires completely. more and more people are retiring and not enough people are taking their place. There won't be enough people working to pay for their retirement, and things like that. The population shortage is getting worse every day. There are more people dying t
Hey people of earth, For those who don't know me, my name is Ashlyn Taylor. I was born and raised in the small town of Arco, Idaho where the cow population is greater than the people population. I am the fourth (and favorite) out of five kids with two loving parents. I am in my fourth semester of college at BYU-Idaho in Rexburg, Idaho. I am creating this blog for my family relations class. I am not a blogger, so just disregard the fact that these blogs might be rough. Bare with me, pretty please! In this blog, I will be sharing fun stories, insights, or inspirational thoughts I have had because of my family relations course. I am so excited to step out of my little box I stay in and try new things, such as starting a blog.