
Showing posts from October, 2017

Marriage and Cohabitation

There is a lot to be said about marriage, and cohabitation. Marriage is such a wonderful thing, but some people believe that it is not for them, and they would rather just cohabit. Which statistics show that cohabitation has a higher rate of ending in divorce. When two people cohabit before marriage, there is a stigma of what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours. They end up living parallel lives and don’t share finances, and other things. This can cause a riff in the relationship. Even after they get married, they aren’t likely to blend their finances because they have been living a certain way and they think it is easier to just keep them separate. In class, my professor gave an example of a couple who came into his counseling office with a problem. They were married, but they previously cohabited. Everything was perfectly fine, and life was working out just great, until the woman got pregnant. That is when problems started happening. Because they didn’t share finances and had


Growing up, I was given a great example of what love is from my parents. They made me realize what I want in a relationship, what is healthy and what is not healthy relationship wise. They set my standards high, and told me never to settle when finding a partner. They constantly made sure the other one was happy and if they weren’t, they figured out how to make things better. Whenever they were struggling financially or any other way, they always found a way to make things work. One thing I remember about them is that they were always supportive of each other’s decisions. If I would ask my mom a question and the answer was no, then the answer would be no for my dad, too. This just showed me that they backed each other and supported the others decision. They showed me how to love through struggle and heartache, and for that I will be forever grateful. In the book, there are four different types of love that were described. Storge, philia, eros, and agape. They are all ancient Greek

Week 5: Gender and Family Life

This weeks lesson was very interesting, as well as controversial. It struck me hard because I take some of the things discussed in this lesson personally. As men and women, people like to paint us a certain way and think we should behave a certain way. Some of it is true in a way because there are those that fall into the "norm" of gender specific roles. I on the other hand, think it is time to break those gender specific roles and live the way we want to live. We should not be forced to act a certain way or have a certain job just because of our gender. More and more women are moving up in the workforce and I couldn't be more happy about that. People need to realize that things are changing. The time has come where women are needed to help provide for their family. We can't rely solely on the income of the father, because truthfully, it is not enough at times. It is so important for women to get an education, because you never know when you are going to need it. I am
Week 4 Blog Post This week in class, we talked about social class and cultural diversity. These topics are topics that interest me very much, and makes me want to dive deeper into them. We were asked to watch some videos about social class and what other people experience in their day to day life. One of the videos that struck me was a story about a woman named Tammy. Tammy and her children live in a small town in Ohio, and are at the bottom of the social class. They live in a trailer on the outskirts of town, and Tammy has to walk 10 miles to work and 10 miles home because her car doesn't work. Her son is embarrassed and where and how they live, and doesn't want to bring his friends around because he says they are higher on the social ladder and he doesn't want them to see how he lives. As time goes on, Tammy's kids grow up and get into things that aren't the best. When your'e surrounded by bad examples and people who are not trying to better themselves, that
List of my classmates Blogs: Student Name         Blog URL Courtney Scott Jeffrey Meldrum Kandace Evans Ellie Smith     Destiny Mills Sophie Draper Ivana Borba   LiMing Colkett Parker Ogden Casslyn Fisher Rebekah Dunn Erica Schumacher Elizabeth Smith Lindsey Johnson Toni Jo Despain Zach Clark              famil