
Showing posts from December, 2017

Divorce and Remarriage

Divorce and remarriage today is a big thing. many people see it as an easy way out of their problems. There are many people who have been affected by this, in one way or another. Whether it be you yourself getting a divorce or being remarried, your parents, a friend’s parents, you own kid when they are older, and so on. It has touched everyone in some way, because it is so widespread. I have a friend whose parents were separated for a while, then eventually got a divorce. They had eight kids together, which made things difficult. It leaves a lasting impression on the kids, wondering if it was their fault why their parents didn’t work out. Eventually, the mom ended up getting remarried to a man who didn’t have kids, so there was no blending of kids, which can also make things so difficult for some. In the book, it states that “a majority of those who divorce will get remarried. An estimated 69 percent of women and 78 percent of men enter into another union.” It said that half of th


Parenting is something that everyone will experience in their life, one way or another. Even if they don’t have kids, they have been around kids or even babysat. Maybe you are an aunt or an uncle, but you still can experience parenting that way. There are a lot of things that go into being a good parent. Now days, parenting has changed a lot from how it used to be. In an article I read that was assigned to the class this week said that more and more parents are wanting to please their kids and avoid conflict. This is not right. Yes, sometimes it is good to avoid conflict, but not if it makes you compromise your parenting style and the rules you have put in place for your kids. An example that was given was kids and what they want to eat at the dinner table.  Often times, parents will say “if you eat two more bites of peas, you can have your dessert” instead of the way it used to be. It used to be “no dessert until you eat all of your vegetables”. But now, there is a lot of comprom