Divorce and Remarriage

Divorce and remarriage today is a big thing. many people see it as an easy way out of their problems. There are many people who have been affected by this, in one way or another. Whether it be you yourself getting a divorce or being remarried, your parents, a friend’s parents, you own kid when they are older, and so on. It has touched everyone in some way, because it is so widespread. I have a friend whose parents were separated for a while, then eventually got a divorce. They had eight kids together, which made things difficult. It leaves a lasting impression on the kids, wondering if it was their fault why their parents didn’t work out. Eventually, the mom ended up getting remarried to a man who didn’t have kids, so there was no blending of kids, which can also make things so difficult for some.

In the book, it states that “a majority of those who divorce will get remarried. An estimated 69 percent of women and 78 percent of men enter into another union.” It said that half of those people entering another union do so in a little over three years. An interesting statistic is that the rate of remarriage is higher for white divorced women than it is for black divorced women. Those who are widowed, are likely to get remarried as well. Around six months after the death of a spouse, more men wanted to remarry than women someday. But by around 18 months, women start to want to remarry as well. It is hard to live life without the support of a partner helping you through hard times. When you want to remarry, there has to be a process of dating. Although, most people wish to shorten that process as much as possible. But with this, there can be the possibility that you are rushing into marriage, and that it will not work out again, which is a shame. In my opinion, when you decide to start dating again, it is important to take your time in choosing a new spouse. The first marriage didn’t work out, and I would want to know for sure that this one is going to work out. And one way of doing so, is to take your time in selecting a new spouse to enter into marriage with.

Separation and divorce can have very ill effects on the children involved, especially if they are young and do not understand what is going on. I know a couple who has two young kids together and ended up being separated. The kids were constantly asking why daddy wasn’t around, and it is hard to answer those questions because they don’t understand. Kids can easily feel abandoned when they are faced with divorce or separation of parents. They can also feel a sense of unworthiness, and think it is their fault. That is why it is important to explain to them that it is not their fault, and they have nothing to do with it and that they will always be loved.

One thing that I have learned from watching families go through that hardship of separation, divorce and remarriage, is that I never want to go through it or put my kids through it. I want to find someone to love for the rest of my life. I do not want to go through all the heartbreak of that. The world we live in today see it as an easy way out, but I do not. I would rather work through any problem, and stay together. Although, sometimes it is best to be apart. That is something that I do not want in my marriage. I want a love that I see in my parents. They have been married for 27 years. They have had many hardships, but the love they have for each other over powers those hardships. 


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