
Showing posts from November, 2017

women in the workforce

The topic of this week is known to be a very controversial topic. Many believe that women should be in the work force, and that they should help in making a living for the family. This is a topic that can be argued both ways, and I see both sides of it. I see the side that women should be considered equal and make just as much money as men are when they do the exact same work. But I also see the side that women are commanded to bare and raise children. Men are supposed to help women in raising those children though, that is where some people get confused. They think men are only supposed to make the money and women are supposed to focus on the kids. It is both parents who need to be raising the kids. In the article assigned to us to read called ‘Family Work’ there is a part that touches on this. It reads, “When they exercised their agency and partook of the fruit, Adam and Eve left their peaceful, labor-free existence and began one of hard work. They were each given a specific area of

Communication in Relationships

Good communication is key to having human relationships. It doesn’t matter what type of relationship it is. Whether it be a friendship, dating, marriage, family relationships, etc., all relationships require good communication to withstand the trials that we are each faced with. In chapter 9 of the book, Lauer and Lauer, it defines communication as “the use of language and non-verbal signs to create shared meaning between two or more people.” The satisfaction or the dissatisfaction of family life and marriage is rooted in the way they communicate. It can make or break any relationship. There are different types of communication. The first type is verbal communication. This is the main type that pops up into your head when you think of communication because it is the main one. This is how people speak to each other. It is the use of words to convey our feelings and words with others. Even though people communicate with words, there are several different meanings for some things people

Family Crisis

In family life, there will come a time where there will be some sort of crisis. Whether it be a parent or child is an alcoholic, addicted to drugs, a shortage of money, a parent loses their job, and many more situations. There is not just one crisis that each family goes through, each family is different and deals with each crisis in a way that they believe will be best for their family. No matter what the crisis, nothing is going to be an easy situation to go through. Many people know of a program called Alcoholics Anonymous, or better known as AA. This is a program that is great for someone who is struggling with an alcohol problem. It is one way families can deal with that type of crisis. The person going through the issue has to be willing to go to AA and change, or it will not work. They will only be wasting their time. Another program that helps people who are addicted to substances is rehab. I personally know that this can help families going through this crisis because my cous

Sexual Intimacy

In the world we live in today, sex is something that people are used to throwing around. Many people do not consider it to be a sacred thing, or something that should be saved within the walls of marriage with the person you love. More and more people are downgrading it, and making it out to just be something they do, with random people. That is not what God intended for the use of sex. Sex is what we use to build sacred bonds between a man and a woman, also to procreate. When it is used selfishly, I believe that it devalues the true meaning of it. On the other hand, it is not only sex that will keep a marriage together. In the book Lauer and Lauer, we read about a man named Hank. Hank got married when he was in his early 30s. He knew that his marriage would require a lot of work because there were so many differences between him and his wife. He was asked the question, “what do you have in common?” he answered by saying, “we have great sex”. That is basically all his marriage was