Family Crisis

In family life, there will come a time where there will be some sort of crisis. Whether it be a parent or child is an alcoholic, addicted to drugs, a shortage of money, a parent loses their job, and many more situations. There is not just one crisis that each family goes through, each family is different and deals with each crisis in a way that they believe will be best for their family. No matter what the crisis, nothing is going to be an easy situation to go through. Many people know of a program called Alcoholics Anonymous, or better known as AA. This is a program that is great for someone who is struggling with an alcohol problem. It is one way families can deal with that type of crisis. The person going through the issue has to be willing to go to AA and change, or it will not work. They will only be wasting their time. Another program that helps people who are addicted to substances is rehab. I personally know that this can help families going through this crisis because my cousin went to rehab and came out a changed man. He was an alcoholic and had a wife and 4 kids. This addiction was causing their family to go through a crisis and was tearing the family apart. He was willing to go to rehab and change, not that it was easy. I know that these programs can help, but only if the person is wanting to change and willing to take the steps.

Stress is a big cause of what can turn into a family crisis. If the parents are stressed about money, or fighting, it causes stress on the children as well and can push the family into a family crisis. It is important for the parents to recognize what is causing that stress and try to fix it. There can also be something called a stressor event that pushes a family into a crisis. A stressor event can be something like a death of a family member, a serious illness of a family member, an accident, unemployment, unwanted pregnancy, moving to a new place, infidelity, or even a broken engagement within the family. All of these events can push people to new stresses and cause crisis’s. A stressor event can come from within or outside of a family. In the book, it gave an example of a stock market crashing and causing a family to have financial struggles. That type of stressor event comes from outside of the family, and they had no control over it. Within couples, a stressor can be when they are newly married and trying to build a life together. If someone has to get a new job, it can cause stress on them and it makes the other partner worry. While couples are trying to start a family, financial strains are the most common because babies are very expensive to have, especially one after the other. There is an increase in demand of things such as food, clothes, money, medical, and other things. Giant purchases also cause stress, such as, a new car or a new house can out the family in debt. There are different ways to deal with all of these stressors, and it is so important to focus on dealing with them, instead of putting them to the side. No problem will get solved if there is no attention brought to it and no one tries to make it better.

In life, we learn that everything happens for a reason. My mother always told me, “God never gives you any situation that you can’t handle.” I always remember this in times of stress, and know that I can get through whatever is holding me back. 


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