women in the workforce

The topic of this week is known to be a very controversial topic. Many believe that women should be in the work force, and that they should help in making a living for the family. This is a topic that can be argued both ways, and I see both sides of it. I see the side that women should be considered equal and make just as much money as men are when they do the exact same work. But I also see the side that women are commanded to bare and raise children. Men are supposed to help women in raising those children though, that is where some people get confused. They think men are only supposed to make the money and women are supposed to focus on the kids. It is both parents who need to be raising the kids. In the article assigned to us to read called ‘Family Work’ there is a part that touches on this. It reads, “When they exercised their agency and partook of the fruit, Adam and Eve left their peaceful, labor-free existence and began one of hard work. They were each given a specific area of responsibility, yet they helped each other in their labors. Adam brought forth the fruit of the earth, and Eve worked along with him (Moses 5:1). Eve bore children, and Adam joined her in teaching them (Moses 5:12). They were not given a choice about these two lifetime labors; these were commandments (Moses 4:22–25).” This is talking about when Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit. When they did that, they were cast out, and saw the ways they needed to now survive. They now had to work hard for what they needed and wanted. They each had their own responsibilities, but also helped each other in their work when it was needed. Eve bore the children, but she did not raise them alone. She had the help of her companion, Adam. These lifetime labors were commandments of each sex. The men is to provide, and the women is to bear children. It does not say that the woman cannot help the man in providing for the family though, and there is nothing wrong with that. As long as she does not ignore the commandment to bare children.

It is said that some consider the need to labor as a curse, and they believe that God cursed Adam. But, God only cursed the land he walks on, not him. Adam was forced to labor, but it is a blessing to labor, it teaches one of us how to work hard for the things we need. I quote,” In other words, the hard work of eating one’s bread “by the sweat of thy face”.” This was stated in the article and it is true. I have found out that when I work for something, I am much more grateful for it and more willing to take better care of it. This is how people are. When they are given things their whole life, they are more willing to take things for granted then if they were to actually work for what they earn.

Women are the only ones that can bring children into this world. We are a necessity of life. We cannot put off our duty to bare children, because they will bring so much joy and happiness into our life. But at the same time, we are living in a society where it is hard to live in a single-earner income. But it can be done. With god, nothing is impossible. We must have faith. It is not a bad thing for women to be in the workforce, sometimes it is a necessity. Even if they are in the work place, children are still needed to be bore, and women are the only way to do that. 


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